Thursday, February 12, 2009

DC Coast Teams up with Local K Street Venues

DC Coast Teams up with Local K Street Venues

As many lounges and resturants have seen a drastic downturn in attendance at their venues in the past few months. Many lounges have decided to join forces with local resturants in hopes to draw more patrons into their venues.

In the past few months DC's top lounge of 2008 Josephine Lounge recently partnered with Mio Resturant to offer party goers a venue to dine of fine cusine before hitting the lounge for the night.

Now DC Coast has taken that concept one step further with its neigbhoors on K street. When you dine at DC Coast on Valentine Day with a prix fixe meal priced at $50 after 9:30 p.m. After finish dining they will issue you VIP passes to the lounges and clubs that in walking distance of the venue. The venues include:

The Park
920 14th Street NW DC

1008 Vermont Ave. NW DC

1401 K Street, NW DC